There were so many surprises awaiting me when I was called to be a stake Primary president. Actually, everything was a surprise. I didn’t know anything a stake Primary president was supposed to do. (Someone told me that my job was to show up and look pretty… Um, no, but I do find myself smiling a lot.)
I didn’t know how much I would be working with bishops and their counselors.
I didn’t know that high councilors would become my friends.
I didn’t know that in addition to my presidency, I would grow close to the stake Relief Society and stake Young Women presidents. (Pictured above.)
I didn’t know that the stake presidency would take so much time to listen to the concerns and ideas of sister leaders.
I didn’t know how often I would be called upon to speak to different congregations, sometimes with very short notice.
I didn’t realize how much I would admire the ward Primary presidents and see their strengths so clearly. I didn’t know that I would be praying for so many children and parents.
On Sunday, the stake Relief Society presidency was released and a new set of sisters was called. I will miss sitting with Molly in stake council meetings and on the stand during stake conferences. She served in her calling while I was a ward Relief Society president, so she has been a kind of mentor to me for 7 years.
I never pictured myself in this leadership role. I don’t see myself as a Primary leader type, but the more I let go of my ideas, my limiting thoughts, and my personal script, the more I grow.