2 favorite historians

I love reading works of history, and I definitely have favorite historians. I was sad to learn of the passing of two of my favorites this month.

The first was David McCullough. Years ago for fun, I wrote my dream guest list for the best dinnertime conversation, and he was one of my wishlist guests. My favorite books that he wrote are Truman and John Adams, but I have enjoyed many others. Here is a small clip of his voice that is worth listening to, especially from about minute 2 until the end.

The other historian was Kate Holbrook. Her passing was especially sad to me, as she was young and had such a vibrant faith. I have met her, and in the few words we exchanged, I saw a very kind and earnest scholar and mother. I am a fan of her work to get Latter-day Saint women’s stories into the hands of Church members. I am a fan of her efforts to nurture her own living faith. I am sharing a Stanford Convocation address she gave in 2019 if you feel like listening to a smart, wise woman scholar who worked for the Church History Department. I can’t embed the video in this post, but this is the link.


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I write so my family will always have letters from home.