Recently, I awoke very early with a predictable headache from little sleep. I prayed for help, as I had hit a real limit in capacity. The relief came suddenly and completely, beyond what I expected.
Also recently, I prayed on a Sunday morning that I could speak to a particular friend at church. I really needed some insight only she could give. I arrived early to the meeting, prepared to seek her out. She sat down in the seat I had saved, even before I could wave to her and welcome her. Then, the meeting ended 10 minutes early so there was extra time to talk. Her words were incredibly helpful and a specific answer to my prayer.
I don’t think that prayer is like a vending machine, where you just enter your code and money and expect the exact thing you want will drop. But, I have seen that prayers offered during painful times are met with particular tenderness. I have also seen that prayers asking for specific helps towards a solution are effective. This was the case in this prayer to be able to speak with a friend. I didn’t ask that my dilemma just go away, but that I could be given insights in a casual, friendly talk.
My stress is still there, and sometimes I still can’t sleep. My dilemma isn’t completely solved, but these recent answers to prayer are like stepping stones, indicating a path, and the presence of God in my life.

Sometimes, probably most times, the blessings come without my asking. Last week, Paige and Michael came over to help care for Richard’s apple tree. After they bagged hundreds of baby apples, without being asked, they cleared the debris from the backyard which fell during a terrible windstorm. They filled three wheel barrows full of twigs and branches and carried them off the lawn. They were such a blessing that day. Yard work has been a big part of my life lately as we prepare for a wedding celebration, and those branches were a setback. Hooray for inspired and helpful children, and a Father in Heaven who is in the details.