In the early 2000’s, I remember writing down a wishlist for a system to keep track of important family events. It would need to be a place for writing and pictures which would also allow for incidental and everyday things to be saved. I think I’m my mind it was an organization system in a three-ring binder. I didn’t know then that I was describing a blog. Today I was going through photos on my phone and realized I have a collection of screenshots that I would probably like to remember. So, here is a post of incidental things that mattered to me during the past month or so.
Thank goodness!Comic relief when the Department of State rejected something on Tim’s passport application.No credit was given to the artist on this post.Forgive me. I took a screenshot of a Zoom women’s meeting with Elder and Sister Renlund. In this picture, Sister Renlund is teaching that when we focus on our own problems, we can’t see the big picture beyond them. (Her fist represents the problems in our lives.) When we make a fist in front of our face and focus on it, that is all we see clearly. She invited us to focus beyond our fist of troubles. As we focus on the bigger setting beyond ourselves, especially on Jesus Christ, our troubles seem less pressing. Try it, make a fist, focus on the wall beyond the fist, and the fist almost disappears.