I have discovered traveler notebooks, which are groups of notebooks for different subjects held together inside a leather cover, and artistic journaling, which for me is just putting stickers, photos, and Washi tape on the pages of a journal before I write. This is how I am going to keep track of the Lord’s tender mercies this year. So far, I have one book for daily gratitude and one book for church notes, all inside one cover. I have kept small notebooks for different topics for years. Having them held together inside one cover seems really smart.
YouTube has a lot of artistic people showing how to create such things. It’s really relaxing for me to watch videos of people journaling. Yes, there are videos you can watch of a person writing in and decorating her journal. Highly recommended.
My basic traveler notebook was $9.99 at Michaels, and the cover is a soft coral leather and it comes with two notebooks, about 4×9 inches each, and a pocket folder for holding brochures or maps. I use the folder to hold photos and stickers. I think I will add another notebook to keep track of my ideas for writing.
I plan to leave a library of notebooks, journals, albums, and stories behind. Also, decorative plates and miniature things.