Yesterday on the way to the grocery store, we saw this hot air balloon hovering just above the trees. I scrambled for my phone to take a photo. It was good news, it was colorful, it was different. It made me smile. It made me think of the United States of America. It hovered above the worries within the houses beneath.
How do we rise amid the concerns of this time?
It will take the courage of a hot air balloon pilot, the whimsy of an artist, the creativity of an engineer, the steadiness of an accountant, the discipline of a student, the observation of a writer, the resilience of youth, the wisdom of experience, and the faith of Saints.
As we elevate our perspective beyond our current worries, we can inspire others to do the same.
Look up! Look outside yourself! Be cheerful and full of hope!
This is the lesson of the hot air balloon.