Latest update from Chile

Dear Parent(s):

The security situation in Chile became more widespread over the weekend, but it was much less volatile this morning. Santiago is the epicenter of the protests, but they have been reported nationwide. The government rescinded the transit fare increase that triggered the demonstrations, but protests continue. 

All of our missionaries are safely in their apartments for the evening and are accounted for. They spent the day gathering extra food and water, preparing an emergency bag, and communicating with their families. If for some reason your missionary was unable to communicate with you today, please be assured— your son or daughter is safe and accounted for. I have relocated several missionaries to lower-risk areas over the past few days and continue to monitor their safety round the clock. I am in direct contact with each of our nine stake presidents who have organized their members to provide extra food and support. They love our missionaries and are caring for them as their own sons and daughters. I am also in regular communication with our area security team, our area presidency, the Missionary Department, and the other three mission presidents here in Santiago. We feel the Lord’s hand guiding us as we counsel together.

Most importantly, I am in regular communication with all of our missionaries throughout the day by phone and text.

Last night I was able to speak with all 185 of our missionaries on a conference call. We sang a hymn together and had a kneeling prayer as a mission. We felt peace and assurance that the Lord is watching over us. 

Sister Mitchell and I have appreciated your e-mail responses and words of encouragement. Unfortunately, I am unable to respond to you individually, but we appreciate your prayers and support.

May the Lord bless you,

J A S O N   J .  M I T C H E L L

Mission President | Chile Santiago West Mission

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

From Daniel:

I’m doing fine. We’re in a calm part of the city out in the edges where everyone is more or less well-off and we have basically a moat and three bridges where bad guys could get in. The neighborhood got together and had guards in all the entrances and patrols in the streets. Nearby neighborhoods are taking similar precautions. The lady in the nearby store is our friend and says we can pass by at any hour to get food or water if things get more complicated. We live 2 houses down from a nice member family. All is well. We’re praying for a quick, peaceful resolution to the disturbances. I think it will be a good opportunity for teaching once we’re allowed back out…people will always be able to receive comfort from the gospel.

I’m safe, the Lord protects His missionaries. Pray for the people,
pray for peace.


We are not overly concerned or losing sleep about this, and it’s likely that things will continue to wind down. But I want to remember that this is something we prayed about in October 2019.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.