A friend took me for a drive to see the Autumn leaves. Richard took me on a drive over the weekend to a different place but we did not remember to take pictures. This time with my friend, I also forgot my good camera, but took a few cell phone shots to remember what we saw.
We picked dried grasses, shrubs, and thistles to arrange in crockery in our homes. We explored a new trail on Guardsman Pass. We had ice cream for lunch in Heber Valley. Vermillion, coral, and maroon, burnt orange and tangerine, gold and lemon yellow leaves were like a colorful billowy quilt across the hills. Up close, I like the maples in coral and red, but the yellow Aspen leaves high above among the pines are glorious.
I don’t know why I don’t allow myself more opportunities like this. I can think of a small handful of places I have visited this year for my own enjoyment. This was one of them.