You know how it goes. You think you’re set for the next little while, life is predictable or at least monotonous, and one little thing shifts and zap, everything that was fine is no longer manageable. Maybe you don’t know. But that was me this morning. I figured I would face the day only if I could be late to my class so I wouldn’t have to talk to anybody. Fragile: Handle with Care, my label would read. I listened to uplifting music and took great care to keep myself still. Around 8:30 I noticed my friend’s newly published book was sitting in the entry in its packaging. I cried as I read her acknowledgements and introduction. Her book is amazing and absolutely beautiful. Someone then knocked on my door, returned a dish, and was extra kind in her words to me. She didn’t mention the smudged mascara under my eyes. But I think she saw a happy person at the door, because I was by then. I needed a boost, and Heavenly Father was quick to deliver today. He has been extra close all day. I felt Him in the words of scripture, in the kindness of my friend at the door so early in the morning, in a message of gratitude, in an accomplishment of a friend, in the wave from my neighbor as she got her paper, and in being able to figure out a solution to a problem. He made it possible to manage today. He always does.