I bought a new planner for 2018 which provides space for daily tasks and schedules, but also has a space to list the three most important tasks for the week. Last week the big three were mostly about Relief Society. This week, my big three include quilting and and a focus on housework. I love having an overall vision for the week.
Here is my quilting progress for the week:
I am working on a group exchange for next Christmas. I tried English paper piecing to make this wreath. It is probably too time consuming to do enough of these in time, but I am happy with the result. The green pieces, sewn individually and then together, probably took me 6 or 7 hours over the summer.I added a bow, and liked it so much better. The bow took probably 2-3 hours.Everything is hand-sewn on this quilt block and hand-appliqued to a white square.I really like this orientation for the square, too. As you can see, the pins are still there and I have yet to finish a single block. Lots of work.
I won’t focus on quilting every week, but the time I have spent stitching has felt wonderful.