What is the value of a minute in a day? Some of the most important words and acts in our lives take less than a minute to accomplish. What is the value of a few more minutes, consistently given each day to a cause or a goal? An hour devoted to something every day adds up quickly to a good measure of who we are and what we accomplish.
This way of looking at time opens my mind to so many possibilities. Even if I can only give 10 minutes a day to something, over a week, that is better than not trying because I think 10 minutes isn’t enough.
We become who we are by the things we do. Our faith, fears, weaknesses, responsibilities, obligations, and bodies compete for attention as we make decisions about our time. I have learned the value of down time, of play time, and time for serious study and effort. I have also learned the value of morning hours for accomplishing big things.
I have given a lot of faith and time to allow people into our lives on this blog. Maybe it’s just entertainment to people, and not a means of feeling connected, as it is for me. As the years go by, there is less about the kids and more about me in the posts. They need their privacy as they grow up. I don’t blame anyone for giving up reading. I don’t need much attention, but I want to do something that matters to someone beyond myself. I am beginning to feel writing this blog is not worth the time it takes to do it. This post has taken an hour, interrupted by a conversation with Mark and some morning tasks. A really “good” post takes a few hours. Surely more things could have been accomplished if I hadn’t done this, but it’s not without value to me personally.