Easter Journals 2017

How do you teach children to rely on the Savior? How do you help them see a need for a relationship with Jesus Christ? What teaching method will work for ages 10-17? How can I share my testimony in a way they will hear it?

These are a few questions I have been thinking about. I know that these questions can’t be addressed with a one-time effort, but I wanted to make something our family could do each day leading up to Easter to bring us closer to Jesus Christ.

I made an Easter journal for each family member with a scripture to read and a question to answer each day for five days. I printed out questions and art and mounted them in the journals to help inspire writing.

We promised each writing activity would only require 10 minutes. We shortened it to 5 minutes after one day. We read the scriptures aloud and then set a timer for each of us to write in our little journals. I promised I wouldn’t make them share what they wrote and we wouldn’t read what they wrote. We had a short discussion after each journal entry, sharing experiences and ideas. I gave them each a container of Jelly Bellies to eat as they wrote. Richard and I also wrote in journals.

How did it go?

  • I don’t know what went on in their hearts, but there was a good feeling in our discussions after we wrote.
  • We couldn’t make it happen every day. We had to double up a few times when we had everyone together, in a good mood, and awake.
  • They ate a lot of Jelly Bellies.
  • We had fun talking about many other things once the activity was over each evening.

These were the scriptures I chose, based on our family’s needs. They are Book of Mormon scriptures to compliment the Bible verses we read every Easter.

  1. Alma 7:11-12 …That he may know… how to succor his people
  2. Alma 26:12,16 In his strength I can do all things.
  3. Alma 38:8-9 No other way or means whereby man can be saved, only in and through Jesus Christ…
  4. Moroni 9:25-26 May Christ lift thee up [over difficult circumstances]
  5. Mosiah 16:6-9 He is the light and the life of the world.

Here are a few things we said about Jesus Christ this week in our family:

  • He is in every genuine smile, true friendship, beautiful scene, and good family relationship; he is in every act of patience, kindness, and generosity.
  • He knows what it’s like to be “us.”
  • When he bore our infirmities, this means he took on everything that makes us fall short of perfection.
  • Repentance is a joyful thing, and easier than carrying guilt.
  • Repentance is simple, like the children of Israel looking to the brazen serpent to be saved from the snakes.
  • Repentance is also like Namaan being told to wash in the Jordan 7 times. It is basic and we can be clean.
  • He helps us do difficult things like learn a language, be a missionary, and take tests.
  • Because of him, can see our family members again who have passed away.
  • He is accessible through good music, acts of charity, walking in nature, and taking time to be still.

Happy Easter!

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.