The General Conference Ensign magazine just arrived in my mailbox. This is one of my favorite birthday presents each year. I don’t like having a birthday on general election day, and this year I don’t. Richard has been asking me what I want for my birthday because I am someone who has everything, truly, everything. My wardrobe is immense, thanks to receiving hand-me-downs my whole life and because I can’t stop buying new blouses. I have a credit for books that I haven’t exhausted. I have time to read, write, create, make music, and be with friends.
I don’t need anything except maybe a new violin shoulder rest to help with my back pain as I play. When I told Richard I would love some new plastic cups for the kitchen, he just stared at me, trying to gauge if this was a trap. No way was he falling for that line, “I only want some plastic cups!” But that’s the kind of thing someone who has everything might actually want.
I love giving gifts, but not receiving them. I do love cards and letters. I guess if I had a birthday wish, it would be that people would write a little something to me. I think this is actually a pretty difficult thing for most people to do, so no guilt vibes from me. I also have a great love for sweets and anything that smells of coconut or vanilla.
And now I feel ridiculous for writing this self-centered post. I feel this great longing to do something that doesn’t involve thinking about myself.