Nativity kids at my parents’ place in Spring Lake on Christmas EveThe smallest shepherd with his sheep. This is my nephew and this is my favorite picture from Christmas. Richard got a new camera. so we have no photographs of him because he was the photographer.Mary and JosephThe angelShepherds sore afraidNo worries, this angel is pretty cool. This is the last photo of the younger boys because they received video games for Christmas and we didn’t see much of them after that.Paige was with us again and Daniel was the piano man providing background music.Richard and Daniel participated in the ward choir. Photo from Janine ClarkeView from the front porch on Christmas morningWe had no place to go, so it was great.Sitting in this chair, bundled up and cozy, I watched the entire Roosevelt documentary series over two weeks. 14 hours, people. Richard and Paige joined me for the last 10 hours. I often bundle up like this in the house.Paige’s paint doodlesGreat-grandmother’s chinaOur Nativities on displayFor the upstairs tree we used mostly red and white ornaments and it was one of the prettiest trees we’ve ever had.A small tree in honor of GrandpaRichard was eventually able to dig us out.