Last days of summer

19 years old!
First day of 7th and 10th grade
First day of 4th grade. Flip flops are allowed in home school.
Moving preparations
New pencils=joy
We were not sure we would survive this.
Mark’s school room looks like this.
The boys climbed a tree at the company picnic
Summer recital
Spending time with Dad

Milestones at our house mean that you get your picture taken at the front door. We had some big days last week. A 19th birthday, the first days of school, and a piano recital.

Our power was interrupted all day on the last day of summer break. We braced ourselves for the “hardship,” and loaded our cooler with food so we didn’t have to open the refrigerator and we turned off the computers. We cooled off the house in the early morning hours. Then the power went off, and along with it, our internet, phones, and our appliances for 7-8 hours.

We got so much done!

Daniel, Mark and I finished assembling my new bed. I sat down and worked on an important project for four hours, uninterrupted by phone calls, social media notifications, and squabbling over the computer. I couldn’t do laundry or cook, so we ate a simple lunch. Daniel cleaned out his room and we had several conversations. I repeat: we had several conversations. The weather stayed cool, so we were never too warm, and this was important.

Mark read books through the afternoon. I could hear him singing to himself from the hammock outside my window and from his bedroom down the hall. There was no hum from the refrigerator and air conditioner to block out his voice. So I sat, with my boys, my project, and the quiet. This time in our dim house wasn’t a hardship! It was a gift as our summer break came to an end. It was a reminder of how much we miss when we are too connected to our screens. Seven hours of living life unplugged left me feeling happy and connected to my family. What an easy remedy for feeling stressed out, stretched, and disconnected: put down the phone, turn off the screens, gather, work, and talk.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.