We made our escape to the cabin on the Smith and Morehouse river for twenty-four hours to inaugurate summer. Somehow almost all I did was sleep in the warm sun coming through the windows of the porch bed, my book open but unread, my doll ready to sew, but untouched. We took a hike Monday morning up the mountain. Later I took a stroll down the tree covered lane to the family cabin and felt my memories whispering inside of me. I felt an ache for family members who are gone and a sadness that the flowers continue to bloom without them. The summers of my childhood played again in my mind as I moved among the trees and flowers at the ranch. As the breeze brushed past, so did the memories; the feelings they invoked so tangible that they tugged my heart until it hurt. Glorious stuff.
Our plans this summer allow for a lot more time in the woods, plus some time jumping in the waves. My computer is not working and I type this post with my thumbs and forefingers on my phone. I am taking it as a sign that I should take a break from the blog for a while. I go through times when I feel foolish for needing to write an insignificant blog. I’m having one of those times. Plus, the clutter in my house needs some attention. Does anyone want about 1/3 of our stuff?
I hope you know that I appreciate you stopping by. Thank you!