I realized very late this year that I’d forgotten to decorate for Easter. I had forgotten that I had an Easter wreath. I finally unpacked the pink plates. I have spent more time in the New Testament this week. Richard presented the annual Easter Family Home Evening lesson. We open eggs with objects related to the Savior’s sufferings, death, and resurrection inside. We read scriptures associated with each.
I saw the original of this painting last year and I have a print of it framed beside my desk. This images helps explain the times when my burdens have been lightened because I have relied on the Savior. It reminds me that the Savior understands grief and pain and sin and every little thing. It reminds me how precious Jesus is to the Father. It reminds me how precious he is to me. Perhaps it says something significant to you, too.

Mark updated our white board calendar yesterday. I was grateful for the image that he chose to draw on Easter Sunday. The empty tomb is my favorite symbol of hope.