Hidden Renovations

1-DSC_2676I am thankful for this house and this neighborhood and to live in this state. But it doesn’t mean I don’t wish for more outlets, some ceiling fans, and hidden internet cables. Many of the renovations we have made on this house are not glamorous. There has been no high-style makeover and not even new carpet yet. But we (this is a loose term) work away at wiring, painting, repairing drywall, installing lights, building shelves in closets, fixing plumbing, and other things. We’re steady, but not very fast. We began in the basement and have completed most work there and this week we began the more difficult work on the main floor.

Richard and Rob spent a couple of days in the attic to wire for ceiling fans. This meant very messy work in tight spaces. I didn’t have the heart to take a picture of Rob, our treasured guest, just as dirty as Richard. It’s not something I want his wife Melinda to see. 😉

This summer the west-facing rooms will have ceiling fans with wall switches and this is a good step toward our goals for the rooms. Perhaps we will finish Paige’s room in time for her to move out!

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.