Enlarge your souls toward others


This year I am studying the New Testament using some Bible commentary and a study guide. It’s an early morning pursuit that I try to do when the kids are asleep. After a few weeks of study I don’t think I’m much smarter, but I am gaining more empathy for the people around me through the example of the Savior. It has been helpful to know geography, politics, language, and culture of the day to see the importance of passages. However, as I study, what shines out beyond all of the historical trappings is Jesus ministering to individuals. (It’s about people, silly girl.) People occupied his hours, days, and sleepless nights. The needs of the people were relentless. He was busy meeting their needs, which he discerned by the Spirit, not just their words and actions. So many needs are never communicated aloud! There is such a need for love and discernment in our lives.

You must enlarge your souls toward others if you’d do like Jesus. As you increase in innocence and virtue, as you increase in goodness, let your hearts expand–let them be enlarged towards others–you must be longsuffering and bear with the faults of mankind. How precious are the souls of men.  -Joseph Smith


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I write so my family will always have letters from home.

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