After coming home from playing with a puppy: “When Sparky was a puppy, did he think everything was a toy or was he born with dignity?” 8-19-14
While writing thank you notes: “I wonder if there is such thing as a ‘you’re welcome note?‘” 10-1-14
After practicing a fast song on the piano: “That song always makes me slightly dazed.” 10-2-14
Talking about surgery and anesthesia (No one is having surgery; we’re just talking about it.): “I’m not really cool about being put to sleep. I’d probably be okay with a Harry Potter potion, though.” 10-22-14
“If you know you’re not sick and your feel your forehead and it’s warm, does that mean your brain is working? Because that happens when I do my multiplication timed tests.” 10-27-14
While writing a story about 3 children catching an insect: “John was going to be the main character but it turned out that Peter is because he has the net. Whoever wields the net is the main character.” 10-28-14