I’m still living with pain. I’m not going to share details, but I want to share what these weeks have taught me.
1. I am a hopeful person. I keep telling myself that tomorrow will be a better day, and that seems to help. Hope is powerful.
2. Pain makes me become so self-centered and it’s an awful feeling. One day this week someone called and asked me to help them with some sewing. I was so grateful for the relief from thinking about myself! Providing service is a blessing, even (and especially) for those who have troubles of their own.
3. There are people to help me. I have decided to be more proactive and seek help from a specialist, if necessary. When I showed up for some lab work, my Relief Society President was working there and helped me, and that was a tender mercy to help me to feel encouraged and understood.
4. Our lives and our bodies are a gift, no matter what we are feeling. I am grateful for shadow and light, pain and comfort, joy, and a little sorrow because every season can reveal God’s hand in my life.