A favorite spot in our home is the kitchen in the morning when the light comes through the windows. Light coming over a mountain has a different quality than any other kind of sunrise.
This morning the light is streaming across our little tomato seedlings sitting in the window. Earlier today I noticed that their 1 1/2 inch stems were all angled toward the window. I rotated them so they curved away from the light. Already I can see them straightening up and turning the other direction toward the light.
They have it figured out. No matter what changes occur, they will seek the light. We can learn a lesson from the seedlings. We can’t afford to turn away from the Savior. Sometimes that means giving up things we love or seeing popular philosophies for what they really are: a means of turning us away from life-giving light.
As an observer and a participant in these perilous times, I don’t believe that we need more sophistication, but more simplicity. The light is predictable and strong and we simply need to turn toward the light, angling our spirits, our actions, our thoughts, and our words in line with the source. It helps to remember that there is power in that. The light is the source of energy behind those enormous redwoods and the source of energy to make delicious fruits. We need the Savior every minute, and we can’t afford to turn away from him.