Timothy, can you tell us what you have accomplished this week?
My goal was to not do any media for a week. Media is computers and t.v.
On a scale of one to ten, what was the difficulty of this goal?
This was probably like a 3.
What were some of the things that you did to pass the time?
I got to read a lot more than I usually do. And I also went outside to ride the rip stick. I also did Legos every day. I usually don’t do that.
Do you think these were better uses for your time?
Yeah, because staring at a screen and stuff will take up time so you can’t do the things you really want to do, like the things I mentioned before.
Would you recommend that others try it? Why?
I would recommend it because it gives you a chance to get outside more and do the things that you really like to do instead of just sitting by the screen all day.
What did you learn about your family’s habits as you tried not to look at screens?
(smiles) I noticed that there is pretty much constantly a screen on and that it’s usually on for a while before that person finally turns it off.
What are you looking forward to viewing now that your week is up?
I don’t know. I’m not too excited to watch stuff now. I wasn’t dying from doing this. It will be a lot easier because I won’t have to dodge all of the screens.