28 miles

I have no big projects that I am working on lately, unless you count spring cleaning. I’m not even tackling any difficult books right now.

That is okay. Sometimes I run myself thin because completing big projects means I am making progress, right?

Not really.

I think that if I were to look at the little things I try to do each day, I would see that these are the source of real progress.

For instance, I biked 28 miles last week. I didn’t do it all at once. It took 4 exercise sessions to make it. I am no athlete, but 28 miles is pretty far! I just chose to exercise 4 times.

I have a goal to read a chapter of The Book of Mormon each day. It is such a minimal amount, really, but since January 1, I have read 159 pages. At this rate, I could complete the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and be well into the Bible by the end of the year.

I have a goal to practice the violin several days a week, but I am failing. Perhaps I need this reminder that small, consistent efforts really can produce results.

The other thing I need to do is make a set time to practice. Consistency demands structure.

I guess we’re all working on a few big projects little bit each day. We become the kind of people we create with our small, consistent efforts.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.