Can’t… come… up… with… content. Sorry, family and friends. I have nothing palatable to write this week. I’ve been trying to write a thoughtful post for days, but I feel stymied.
Is it because I have been reading Tolstoy and feel my lack more deeply than usual?
Is it because I am trying to wrap my head around the new year?
Is it because I am so busy trying to get physical things in order at the house that I can’t write?
Is it because what I feel like writing about is too personal?
Is it because my internet has been wonky this week? (If wonky isn’t a word, it should be. It describes our internet service perfectly.)
It’s all of those things and probably more.
Here are some photos of what I have been doing this week. Hey, my life is boring, but it’s mine and I love it.
One day I went through all of the boys’ clothing and placed size labels on each hand-me-down. Apparently I do NOT need any more size 8 pants for boys. I feel defeated by clothing. Daniel’s current rate of growth means he wears something for only a few weeks and then it’s too short. Keeping him in adequate Sunday pants is too much for me, apparently.Our current filing system just wasn’t working for us, (stashed beneath our bed on a box top which we would slide out when necessary) so this week I fixed that.This may seem trivial, but I have gained a testimony of labeled photos, having worked on two significant family history projects this year. I labeled our photos this week and felt old doing it. Where have my babies gone?I updated the photos on the refrigerator and put smiles on my children’s faces by doing it. I now have all of the new family members represented on the refrigerator and some highlights from 2013 to cheer us. I love my photo-laden refrigerator. It keeps me company.I decorated the mantel and shelves in my kitchen. Oh, the clean, fresh start that January gives to us! I love how uncluttered things feel at this moment. Of course I loved every Christmas card and decoration that we had on these spaces a month ago, but the change is good.Have I ever posted a picture of my food storage room? It’s one of my favorite corners of the house. Having food is comforting and it takes work. I shop often so I can keep these shelves full. This week I bought oodles of cereal, sugar, and crackers. I have one can of Spam, but I can’t bring myself to serve it. I bought it in 2008.I went to IKEA with my sisters and mom the other day and bought some textiles. This is Mark’s new rug. I like it so much.I have been working on the 2013 scrapbook. I’m terribly proud of it.I had forgotten that we went to San Francisco. How does someone forget San Francisco? It’s good to revisit those memories. That was a good day.
Well, I feel better for the sharing. Not sure if you’ll benefit from any of this, but it was good therapy for me.