Occasionally we have the opportunity to clean the Draper Temple after hours. This means we go from 9 to 11:30 p.m. or on a Monday afternoon. We have a cleaning supervisor who sees that we are thorough and know what to do. We present our temple recommends to enter and we change into white cleaning clothing. The temple is meticulously cleaned often. In fact, it’s difficult to find any evidence of debris on our cleaning rags and dusters.
On my last trip to clean the temple I was given the task to vacuum the sealing rooms and two additional rooms in the hallway. I spent two hours beneath chandeliers and between mirrors with the afternoon sun coming through the stained glass windows. The air in the temple always feels tight and hushed and even the vacuum cleaner I was given was especially quiet. I suppose that the people who were cleaning bathrooms will receive additional blessings, but I felt pretty blessed that day to be able to spend so much time caring for these beautiful sealing rooms in the House of the Lord.
I envisioned the families who had gathered there to witness marriages. I thought about my own family and my hopes that my children will be married in temples someday. It was a good way to spend an afternoon. I looked into the mirrors. When I see myself in the mirrors at the temple I feel more beautiful than I do at home.