One load, one dog

Well, looky here. I washed the blankets our dog rests upon and this is what came out in the lint collector.  Revolting, isn’t it?

And here’s another view to give you nightmares.

Today, aside from the above lint ball, was wonderful. I found a lot of joy this morning watching a friend’s children and reading books to the baby. I giggled as I watched this baby maul Mark with hugs and kisses for about 30 minutes. Baby kisses! Mark didn’t know what to think. He’s always been the kisser. He kept looking at me for help/reassurance/help but I was too busy cheering on the baby,” Tackle that big boy! Big hugs, now!”

After baby-sitting we went to a science club meeting and I taught 20 kids about crystals. Fun. We also harvested papyrus from the pond so we can learn how the Egyptians made papyrus. I know, you wish you were us. Only, you wish you were us with a unicorn.

We came home and I tried to read aloud to the kids but had to take a nap at chapter 5. I fell asleep on the couch listening to Daniel read to the family where I had left off. When I woke up, Timothy asked me if I’d like to hear him read the last chapter of his book. (Shouldn’t we all just cancel our cable and read aloud to each other from now on? I am sure it would solve most of our problems.)

And so it went, my last day of being 35, surrounded by my children plus twenty, growing crystals, harvesting papyrus (and dog lint)… and people, I loved it. I couldn’t wish for a better day.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.