The Healthy Sound of Boys’ Voices in the Mountains

I have been at Cub Scout camp this week. Oh, the mountain air and the healthy sound of boys’ voices echoing through the pines! In awe, I saw a 13-year old Eagle Scout lead 60 Cub Scouts in a trail cleanup project. There were shouts of “Let’s do it!” and “Yeah!” and then the mountain swarmed with Cub Scouts picking up fallen branches and trees. They worked so hard, and most were smiling. The challenges were car sickness, fatigue, and leaving computer games. The highlights were the water rockets, guns, archery, and ping-pong. It was such an adventure.

There is a monster that is devouring the hopes of many children. It begins with fear and can grow into anxiety and eventual incapacity or indifference. Scouting can be a catalyst for growth because a Scout must get out and do something and be someone. As he does this, he trades his fears for confidence and his selfishness for service. I believe that almost without exception, a boy is better off going to Scout Camp than staying home, nursing his fears (or the fears of his parents).

I speak from my experience, being the one who handles the budget, forms, applications, tour permits, and communication with parents. I also go to Cub Scout Camp with the boys and see a visible change in the countenance of a boy who has just conquered a task, especially a task he thought was hard.

Today it feels like Daniel is still enjoying the effects of his worthy adventure. The best descriptive word I can come up with is Contentment.

rocket launcher

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.