A Day Begun with Peanut M&Ms is a Good Day

It felt like my blood was full of sludge. I was lethargic and a little testy. I wanted to go on a long walk and let myself get back to some kind of equilibrium of mental and physical health. But I decided to ignore that need and just press forward with THE DAY.

I ran two errands this morning and then I got stranded at the post office with a dead battery in the van; a battery that has been dying a slow death since December. I decided not to beg for a charge. I decided to walk home.

I only felt desperate for a second when I realized that no one was answering phones.

And so I trudged through the construction and dust, avoiding the bulldozers and cranes, all the time counting the ways this dead battery was a blessing and only once or twice wishing for a construction helmet. It was really fortuitous the way it all happened. I didn’t have the kids with me, who would have really struggled with the walk on a road with no shoulder; I had put on some shoes before leaving the house (for a change), and I was only a mile and a half from home. I got my exercise and I made my funny list of blessings on the way:

1. I woke up to find a forgotten bag of peanut M&Ms in my purse.

2. I was able to comfort a friend, mail a birthday package and the taxes all before the battery died.

3. I got the walk I knew I needed.

4. I wasn’t wearing my pajamas when I got stranded.

5. I have a capable teenager who stepped in to watch the kids when my 15 minute errand turned epic.

6. The walk canceled the M&M breakfast.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.