Today our studies took us into the Catalina foothills where the Biosphere 2 project still stands. In the late 80’s and early 90’s this was an experimental ecosystem. For two years, 8 “biospherians” lived in this sealed environment, testing whether it could be self-sustaining. This is a huge and impressive structure made of steel and glass and an intricate underground network which regulates temperature, humidity, winds, power, and rain. There are very distinct ecosystems within the biosphere: savannah, ocean, desert, and rainforest. At the onset, there were 3800 species of plants and animals living in the structure. It served as a farm, living quarters, and research center.
P.S. Biosphere 1 is the earth itself.
We celebrated Richard’s birthday today. Guess what? The gift we gave him was THE RIGHT MODEL!! I’m so relieved.