The Value of Imperfection

oil painting progress

wheel oil painting

I painted this in January, using the Pima Community College catalog cover as my guide. I could never find the name of the photographer.

I see more flaws in my work every day, but I will continue to display it proudly in my house.

If I had never tried this painting, I wouldn’t ‘t have learned to appreciate the symmetry of a wheel; the complexity of color; I wouldn’t have had time to ponder the aging of the wood, the shadows and reflections of light; I wouldn’t have accepted my own inability to create a perfect hub to hold it all together. I learned about focal point, perspective, and rust. I thought about endless things during this project. It was both a vacation and an intense study, a pleasure and a frustration all at once.

Having seriously considered my reasons for blogging: Connection to family and friends, creative outlet, family record, homeschool life revealed, etc, I have decided it’s worth it for now for me to share. If I hadn’t been blogging these past few months, I wouldn’t have noticed so many blessings in my life.

So, a blog is not a perfect medium, any more than I am a master at working oil paints. But it’s a tool I use to discover and relate. And even if my words inadequate and my feelings about the blogging world vacillate, I think sharing is better than keeping things to myself. And hopefully in the process, we all learn something.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.