This is a week of tributes to the teachers in our children’s lives. Today we celebrate our Monday teachers, Mrs. Paulette Albertson and Mrs. Kay Ellett.
Mrs. Albertson is Paige and Daniel’s piano teacher. She challenges them and I know she cares. Her attention to detail and desire to help stand out as some of her strengths. I think it takes a special person to be a piano teacher. Mrs. Albertson, Thank you for the extra hours you devote to the kids, seeing that they have performance experiences, awards & even gifts at Christmas. Thank you for seeing that they are always well-prepared for their performances. Thank you for your time and your talents. We know the kids have learned many things from you.

Mrs. Kay Ellett (Miss Kay) is Paige’s pointe class teacher; in other words, she teaches Paige how to dance on her toes. Miss Kay is a mother of 5 and so she knows how to relate well to the teenagers in her class. Paige likes her because she is a fun person to be with. Paige likes how Miss Kay is willing to work with the girls on things, over and over until everyone “gets it,” even if it takes all of class time. Seeing to the needs of her students is most important to Miss Kay. She has a calm, confident way about her and she is very generous. Thank you, Miss Kay, for teaching Paige!